Thursday, July 12, 2007
Lawsuit alleges officers violated juvenile's civil rights
When I first read this article, I didn't think anything of it. I guess its all the television I watch or something. Is this however, a violation of the kid's rights? The attorneys state that the officers had "no valid reason to detain him." Even though this type of violation of rights occurs often, it is taken lightly. It seems that the police have taken the attitude that these violations are not that serious and deserve to lose this lawsuit.
Report: Wal-Mart tactics violate workers’ rights
The giant retailer, Walmart, is accused of violating workers' rights to organizing. It is noted that Walmart "stands out" for its aggressiveness in its anti-union activities. Lawyers and researchers have studied how worker's are treated, and based on their results, Walmart calls them unsustantiated.
If employees want to organize, they should be allowed to use the right granted to them in the first amendment. Nothing should impede that.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Senator Thompson denies previous pro abortion claims
Attorneys say suspect’s rights violated
Then came the surprise for Citrus County Sheriff’s Detective Chris Prus, who was arranging the Jan. 20, 2006, recorded phone calls to Daniel Weckesser, 48, at his home in Lady Lake. Weckesser called back 10 minutes later, speaking to a 27-year-old man who accused Weckesser of performing sex acts on him when he was younger.
Testifying at a court hearing last Wednesday, Prus described the 45-minute conversation where Weckesser reportedly apologized to the man for the sex acts, along with making other statements. Weckesser was arrested on a warrant Feb. 9, 2006, after which he’s said to have “confessed in detail” to performing sex acts on the boy.
Grant argued Weckesser’s fifth and sixth constitutional amendments prohibited Prus from talking to him without a written waiver of his rights. Though the investigation was separate from the other crimes, it resulted from the same episode, Grant argued.
Assistant State Attorney Thomas “Skip” Boll argued Weckesser’s invocation of his rights doesn’t apply to every crime he may have committed, and that this was a similar crime involving a different victim.
A June 6 status conference at 9 a.m. has been set when a ruling is expected. Weckesser faces life in prison if convicted of the charge, a first-degree felony.
The article shows how Weckesser's rights in the 5th and 6th Amendments were violented. He has the rights of an accused person and the right to a speedy trial, but both rights were denied. He faces life in prison and convicted of first-degree felony, which is not fair.
11th hour plea for Georgia inmate's life
Court dismisss suit challenging domestic spying
I think this is wrong. We the people of the United States have the right of privacy and the government cannot just tap in and out of phonecalls and emails whenever they want.
The Right of The Common Citizen to Protect Himself
privacy violated?
Doing things secretly behind the citizens' and consumers' backs is just wrong. Government shouldn't have the power to spy on people like that. Both government and phone companies not only violate a person's right to privacy, they also violate the trust a citizen has in their government and the trust a consumer places with the phone company when agreeing to sign up with their services. There are definitely things people do not want others to know as well as others not wanting to know about certain things about people. And what will happen if no one has any trust anymore?
Here's the article.
Just Simply Not Enough
I think to prevent low budget, the Iraq war should stop. The more soldiers go into the war, the more tuition and debts we have to cope; hence, the money is probably being taken out from our tax. If we stop the Iraq war, we would not have to cut back on the GI Bill budget.
teachers rights violated
Elizabeth Shea worked for the Jersey City schools since 1966.
On December 15, 1995. Elizabeth Shea was walking to pick up her students in the courtyard of PS 30. Something she has done since 1966.
As children have been doing for decades, children were running in the courtyard. They ran into her. Not deliberately but accidentally. Pulling and tugging on her coat causing her to lose her balance from this and went flying up into the air...doing a "pratfall".
She landed and hit everything imaginable from her head to the soles of her feet.
The principal came over and said
"She fell ?" He ordered the guard to "get her out of here".
Principal didn't call the medical officer...ELIZABETH WAS NOT TRYING TO GET UP BECAUSE SHE WAS TOO HURT TO MOVE...principal and the guard simply began pulling her up by her wrists. As she begain to scream, begging them not to do this, they let her go and she dropped 4 feet back onto the frozen courtyard. Again hitting everything from her head to her heels.
I think that this is very sad because someone who has been working in the school district should be treated with respect. The principal should be punished.
did policer officer violate skateboarders rights?
The investigators found Officer Joey Williams confronted a situation that "would have overwhelmed any single officer" when he stopped those breaking city ordinance by skateboarding on a downtown sidewalk on June 21st. However, the investigation faulted Williams for leaving a handcuffed suspect unattended while chasing another youth in the resort town's historic Bathhouse Row. City Manager Kent Myers says the ruling was fair. Myers says witnesses supported the actions of the officer. Video of the incident from a business' security cameras show ten skateboarders rolling down the city sidewalk at a good clip. They were followed by Williams, who sprints past the last skater. A video taken by skateboarders and later posted to YouTube shows Williams on top of 1 of the skaters, apparently choking him. The video also showed Williams putting another two skateboarders in a headlock and the officer can later be heard threatening to use pepper spray on a skateboarder lying on the ground.
In this case, i do not believe that the police officer violated any of the skaters rights because they were violating the city ordinances by skating on private property. the video they posted on youtube is perfect eveidence, because it supposedly show the police officer using the focre necessary to retain the skaters.
Mass. Bar Sued for Gay Marriage Question
The suit also challenges the constitutionality of same-sex marriage, which was legalized in Massachusetts in 2003.
Stephen Dunne, who is representing himself in the case and seeks $9.75 million, said the bar exam was not the place for a "morally repugnant and patently offensive" question addressing the rights of two married lesbians, their children and their property. He said he refused to answer the question because he believed it legitimized same-sex marriage and same-sex parenting, which is contrary to his moral beliefs.
Dunne, 30, was denied a license to practice law in May after scoring 268.866 on the exam, just shy of the 270 passing grade.
His lawsuit against the Massachusetts Board of Bar Examiners and the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court also claims the state government is "purposely advancing secular humanism's homosexual agenda."
I say that Stephen Dunne should get the points and pass his Bar examination. The test violated the first ammendment, freedom of religion, because in many religions, same sex marraige is prohibited. Having a test question on that subject forces the test taker to choose a right answer, even if it's against his or her belief.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Blacks violated Voting Rights Act
I believe that Judge Lee is right for siding with the whites of Jackson, Mississippi because it is not right for Brown to influence other blacks to go aganist the whites. It is like a double negative. They is more piont on doing the same thing that whites had done to the blacks. You are almost going down to the same level.
Lawsuit: Farmworkers' Rights Violated
In my opinion, the group of farmworkers shouldn't have been fined. They were using their freedom of speech and they did no harm. They just had their rally and there wasn't any violence or rude remarks. The city did a horrible job and had no right.
Teacher allegedly taped ex-student’s mouth shut
I think this is violation of the students right to free speech. Although he was abused and mistreated, he couldn't talk against the teacher for fear of retaliation. Years later he has admitted to this abuse and has taken legal action. This should be an example to teachers to restrain themselves no matter what the circumstances are.
Judge Nixes Evolution Textbook Stickers
I don't think that this is really an issue and that the parents had nothing to really sue about. I understand that evolution is a very controversial subject but the stickers in the front seem very harmless and that it does nothing to agitate parents about the school being too active about religion. The sticker was more of a disclaimer, but the school may have been better off without the stickers. I see the parents concerns that church and state were a little too close there, but there was still a sort of tangible barrier.
Jerome Post and Paul Renwick are a gay couple that moved from California to Kalamazoo, Michigan because the one of them needed a job that offered good health insurance. The couple already had family members in the city and Jerome had been offered a job. He was given the position assistant human resources director for Kalamazoo. His partner Paul suffers with chronic health problems, where the heath insurance is needed. However, Michigan appellate court rules that employers cannot offer heath insurance to same sex marriages because it is banned by Michigan constitution. The officials said it legitimized their marriage, therefore it is against the law. Attorney Mike Cox states, "In Michigan, marriage is recognized as a union between man and woman." The state Supreme Court is waiting to hear the case, but for the time being the benefits are not provided for the couple. The clash between the cities views and state's law is contradicting and this couple is stuck in the middle.
In my opinion, Jerome and Paul are being cheated out of the benefits that they deserve. If a couple made up of a man and a women had taken up the position, they would be granted the benefits with no questions asked. This law is a controversial issue that needs to be sorted out, so that an innocent gay couple can live their lives. This circumstance is a violation of the couples rights. The city and state need to come to a decision about what law they are going to enforce. A city cannot falsely "advertise" benefits for same sex couples unless it is legitimate. Even if the state doesn't recognize same sex marriages, a couple should not have their health benefits revoked, it's just not fair.,1,7253844.story?ctrack=4&cset=true
Although the judges may, in interpreting the law, have to create new laws or abolish outdated ones, I feel that lately the judicial branch is becomming too powerful. Just as we have written about the checks and balances the first week of our blogs, if the Judicial Brach is allowed to make more laws then they are essentially taking away the rights that are given exclusively to the congress. In cases such as the segregation of the school in Chicago, for example, I feel that it is a step backward from achieving equality for all races and would bring shame to civil rights activists, who fought their whole lives for equality, wuch as Martin Luther King Jr.
Greenwood Officer Violates Student's Rights
As the school's camera captures Marshall and Wiggins confrontation together, it displays that Wiggins had put Marshall in a choke hold and later, pulled out his pistol and aimed it at his head. Marshall lawyer claims that "Wiggins, who was on patrol at the school, violated his [Marshall's] civil rights by using excessive force."
In my opinion, I think that this case should go in favor of Marshall. Although we don't know what the confrontation was about or what was said during that time, I still think that it is pretty unreasonable for Officer Wiggins to pull out a pistol and aim it to the student's head, especially while still on campus grounds. I believe that that act was very unnecessary and that Officer Wiggins could have handled the situation in a much more responsible way.
Detention center phones frustrate aliens
These people are being held against there will with out any way of properly communicating with the out side world. The numbers that are to be provided include offices that function in order to insure these people are treated fairly. this is a problem, even if these people are illegal, the being held with now way to get themselves out is wrong.
Preaching the anti-shopping gospel
In my opinion I believe that Billy has the right to say what he wants as long as there are no violent remarks made to anyone. He shouldn't have been arrested for just continuously repeating the first amendment. At the end I believe he had full right in doing what he did
Do Guantanamo Bay Detainees Have Prisoner Rights?;_ylt=Ag3cj4JFwSz.GyWTQQ0EYCJAw_IE
As stated in the summary, this article deals with a due process of law and a person's right to a speedy trial. I found this article very interesting because it's an example of the 'special circumstances' that can arise when addressing people's rights. By labeling the prisoners as enemy combatants, they were stripped of the usual rights a person is entitled to when dealing with the law. It's interesting to see that they still retained some of these rights though, like the right to an attorney and to hear witness testimonies. It just goes to show that there are sometimes exceptions to the rule, and the government had tried prepare for this by making a person's rights fairly broad and subject to court interpretation in special cases like this one.
My child's rights are being violated
In my opinion I beleive that the child's rights are not being violated. The mother can go to the doctor and get tests done and bring actual proof to the teacher showing that he actually has some type of syndrome.
Freedom of Speech?
I'm really beginning to see how people, especially students, are over using the quote about people violating their first amendment. I'm starting to feel that many students are abusing their rights and not actually using their freedom of speech the way they should be. Rather than getting their voices heard, I think people are beginning to want benefits (like money) out of suits against people.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Maricopa County violated mans rights, says ACLU
The U.S. District Court complained on behalf of the tuberculosis patient, Robert Daniels, that health officials and the Maricopa County Sheriff have violated numerous constitutional rights and the Americans with Disabilities Act. The lawsuit asks for appropriate accommodations rather than
the cruel and "inhumane" Maricopa jail ward.
"It's good news for me," Daniels said Wednesday evening. "I finally have a chance to get out of this black hole."
Linda Cosme, an attorney for Daniels, said her client has been victimized by constitutional violations. "Robert is helpless," she says. "And he's at the mercy of Sheriff Joe Arpaio. He needs as much support as possible, and the ACLU is supplying that support."
According to the Maricopa court records, Daniels has spent most of his time in custody without a phone, TV, radio, shower or hot water.
I think that this is cruel, unnecessary, and inhumane. Even though tuberculosis is highly contagious he should not be treated as if he were a criminal; it bad enough he is quarantined, separated from all other people, but worse if he is put in a jail cell with inhumane conditions
Military Families of Fallen Soldiers Angered
These soldiers have died while protecting our country and I believe that no one should profit from their deaths. Any legislation that defends their names and images should be passed so that their rights and those of their family’s are protected. Even though dead soldiers’ names are public record, this is a sensitive issue that calls for the protection of their rights. We should maintain some dignity for these fallen soldiers who risked their lives to serve our country by passing laws and bills to ensure that their names and images are respected and not abused.
Wal-Mart Efforts Prevent Workers to Unionize
I believe that workers have the right to unionize if they choose to have one at their workplace. They should be able to vote on it, and not be forced by their employer to decide for them. Wal-Mart is one of the largest retail businesses in the U.S., who also hires a large number of people to work in their stores. Wal-Mart should set an example to the American public by allowing their employees to be represented by a union or not, and not have to use unfair and illegal methods to scare or force them to not unionize. These workers have rights in their place of employment, so by passing this bill it would protect their right to form or join a union.
"Extreme" Body Art Ban
After the hearing, a health department spokesman Ed Dumas stated, "The county executive does not favor any of the prohibitions of this type." Others agree that there are more pressing matters in the health industry than those in a tattoo shop. "If someone got an infection from a nostril piercing, how is that a threat to the public health?" asked Lynn Fenn, a body art enthusiast. Others may argue that a ban would drive such practices underground and away from any regulation.
Most importantly, it is argued that this will go against the Bill of Rights. "People have been putting bones in their noses for hundred of years. Next you'll tell people they can't dye their hair pink." Attorney Paul Pepper says he will sue if the "unconstitutional" proposal is put into action. He argues that they are a form of spiritual and meaningful communication that must be protected by the 1st Amendment.
I agree with those opposed to this ban, not just because I myself am a tattoo and body art enthusiast, but because it is such a specific violation of freedom of expression. It is a terrible thought that the issues concerning tattoos which have just finally been legalized in all states have come back under attack March 29, 2007. While seemingly unconventional to many conservatives, it is an ancient art form that has been a part of cultures around the world for generations. Some may even say it can almost be a religious practice. It has never proved to infringe the rights of any other person. It only has been shown to make people uncomfortable. Issues of employment have also come into light because the showing of tattoos or piercings can be considered vulgar. However, by whose standards is this measured by? The whole idea of any sort of a ban on whatever someone disagrees with is ludicrous! If we were to give into that idea, everything and anything can be banned. Our freedom as we know it will dissolve into nothing.
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Bong Hits 4 Jesus
An 18 year old student displayed a 14 foot banner outside of his school that said "Bong Hits 4 Jesus." His principal ordered him to take the banner down but he didn't. When he refused he was suspended for 10 days because it violated a school policy on illegal drug promotion. It went to court where they ruled that his first amendment rights were not violated
I think that schools often over react in situations like this because it has a drug reference. The banner was displayed off school grounds as a joke and a test of free speech and not a drug promotion. I think 10 days was too much and it did not need to go to court.
Theme for this week: 7/9 - 7/13: Rights
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