Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Bush Faces Eavesdropping Subpoena

After the 9/11 attacks, the government have been secretly monitoring overseas email and telephone communications of Americans suspected of ties to terrorist. The secret spying programme became public in 2005 and the president rejects claims that he broke the law by ordering surveillance without a warrant. The US Senate issued a subpoena ordering the White House to give up documents related to its surveillance of domestic terror suspects. However, the administration refuses the requests. The Senate Judiciary Committee’s subpoenas target the White House, Vice-President Dick Cheney, the National Security Council and the Department of Justice.

I think that this program is illegal. There is something called privacy and when the government taps into our email and telephone communications, it violates our individual rights.


candiib0ob0o said...

For some reason, this reminds me of nixon, denying accusions and all. I think that for our safety's sake, it is alright to eavesdrop.

Anonymous said...

I understand your perspective, but I think that this whole eavesdropping thing could also benefit our country, by getting evidence about future attacks and it could maybe make our country a safer place.

flourpwr said...

I agree with what you said to some point. Your right we do need our privacy,but at the same time it could be protecting us from future things that could happen, and that is where I disagree with you.

chopstx said...

I agree with all three comments above me, this does look like nixon and his spies, but nixon did it to be re-elected, not for our safety. Even though its not favored, I believe this will help our country from terrorist attacks.

Bryant08 said...

I agree with you on this one. Spying on the American people is against our constitutional right to privacy. Bush I believe is being way to paranoid about the whole situation. THe question is has he found any terrorist by spying on the people of The Us know, no, so how is this even justified.

dj75 said...

I agree. If it will help protect our nation then I guess it's okay that they can do this. In the long run it will help us against enemy nations.