Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Bush will veto anti-torture law after Senate revolt

Article Summary:
A bill was passed by Congress that would ban the torturing of prisoners in Iraq as well as send 440 billion dollars to the war effort. The Bush administration said that they would veto the bill. Congress however was confident that they would have the two thirds vote needed to overturn the veto.

This is an example of something that looks worse than it actually is. Most people look at it out of context an say "he vetoed a bill that outlawed torturing and giving money to our troops!" Unfortunately there are bills like this that he can't pass because even though the bill does have aspects you may agree with, there are other aspects you may not. In this case it was likely that the 440 billion dollars was to much but they can always amend the bill in congress.


candiib0ob0o said...

i still think bush should have passed it. it would be beneficial to us. our troops need money & torturing, under no circumstance, is justified.

lazboy323 said...

I don't see what the bad side of this bill is, maybe taking our tax dollars. We should not torture the enemy in any circumstance, although war does bring out the worst of people we should not act like that. As for the money, why we we deny our troops that are spending 3 and more tours in Iraq well deserved money.

soccerboy13 said...

In my mind I do not see the reason on vetoing the bill if we need the money support for our troops. In second place why is the ban of torturing so important to Bush, in other words Bush should have passed this law to help with the situation in Iraq

dj75 said...

I don't think that they should send any more money to Iraq. There has been too much money spent in the war and I think that it would be better if we withdraw now so there will be no more additional financial aid.