Monday, June 25, 2007

Current Event: Bush passes Veteren's Bill

This article talks of how President Bush passed the veterens' bill, which gives $64.7 bill to support the Veterens' affairs. Although The Bush administration threatened to veto the law it was passed, the threat was not followed through. While there was an increase in the budget for the veterens in recent years, the article states that it was not enough to keep up with the costs especially after the war in Iraq. Due to the new bill passed by congress the lines to see doctors and nurses will be shorter, more doctors and nurses will be employed, and 1,000 new VA case workers to process benfit claims. The bill was passed last week by 409-2.

I believe that this bill is neccessary in order to keep up with the injured soldiers in Iraq because due to the war there are many injuries. This new increase in the budget for the veterens will give access to medical and mental healthcare much more easily to soldiers.


kty_roche said...

I think we might have used the same article but, I really agree with what you said about keeping up with the injured soldiers in Iraq. I hadn't really thought of it in that way. I thought more about the WW2 veterans. I like you're point of view.

Anonymous said...

Yes! I very much agree with your point of view. The soldiers out there are in danger and fighting against so much chaos. There's so many injuries and battle wounds that need to be tended as soon as possible, and with this bill passing, they really can keep "up with he injured soldiers in Iraq."