Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Bush's move cheers conservative base

The president's attempt to gain more republican rally after the 2006 midtern elections: backing a bipartisan bill to completely change the immigration law ended when when the bill died in the Senate last week. The debate on immigration had already strained relationoships with conservatives, who were extremely against the bill believing that the bill wouldgive illegal immigrants amnesty. Many analysts say that Bush ahs little to lose and much to gain by siding with the minority view in this situation.

1 comment:

dj75 said...

I belive that people who break the law should be punished for their crime, but regarding immmigration it is a senitive topic. This bill which gives amnesty to illegal immigrants here in the U.S. is one that has to be thoroughly thought out. There are a lot of issues involving immigrants that have to be considered about not giving them amnesty such as breaking up families already here or hiring workers doing menial jobs.