Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Preaching the anti-shopping gospel

In New York at the end of June, police arrested the Rev. Billy in Manhattan's Union Square on suspicion of harassment after he repeatedly recited the 1st Amendment through a megaphone during a bicycling rally..This Rev on the other hand does not promote religion and is actually not a real true Rev. He is although the alter ego of Billy Talen anactor and writer who is nationally know as Rev. Billy, a character inspired by televangelists, for his fight against consumerism and big corporations. His arrest incited many of his supporters to protest against the arrest and that the arrest was violating his freedom of speech under the 1st Amendment. Billy's attorney is calling for the charges against him to be dismissed.

In my opinion I believe that Billy has the right to say what he wants as long as there are no violent remarks made to anyone. He shouldn't have been arrested for just continuously repeating the first amendment. At the end I believe he had full right in doing what he did


Brown Bear said...

Yea, I would have to agree with you on this one. (who ever you are). The man, did/does have the right to say what he wants.

theyellingqueen said...

Just because he recited the 1st amendment he got arrested. I think he should be able to say whatever he wants. The 1ts amendment is part of our American history and rights. Therefore, they had no right to arrest him.

DrPepper6pk said...

As long as he is not creating a big deal and a riot, then he has every right to ride around saying what he wants to say

KKiri said...

I agree: he's just using his own First Amendment rights to recite the First Amendment. While some people might find it extremely annoying, as long as no one is getting physically hurt by it, he has the right to say what he wants. No one should get arrested just for being persistently annoying.

Shana said...

He is freely expressing his rights. It doesn't do any harm. To me, it seems ridiculous that the police could arrest on suspicion of harassment in this case. Unless names are named and there are specific documented cases of who and how, I find this action to be completely illegitimate.

dj75 said...

I also agree with everyone that he has the right to say whatever he wants. His first amendment allows him to say anything that he wants to say as long as it's not wrong or bad. However if he disturbs others, causes a riot, or disobeys an official to stop, then I feel that he should be arrested. Otherwise it's okay for him to say anything he wants.

Roni said...

Why would reciting a amendment, which states our rights elicit the arresment of a citizen to whom the rights apply to. This is unjustified and is an infringement on our rights. All charges should be dropped.

Timothy Tsao said...

I feel that he was a little out of line but that should not ahve him arrested. There was no harm and he is someone that many people know and would listen too. The 1st Amendment is something most Americans already know, so what is the difference between saying outline or reading it somewhere else.