Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Right of The Common Citizen to Protect Himself

Norman Borden a 44 year old male was walking his dog when 3 males in a jeep were following him trying to run him over. Borden in a means of protection pulled out a gun and shot at the jeep 5 times and then 9 more times when he got closer to the jeep. He was put on trial for murder even though it was for self defence. Also the state of florida in which he lives in has just passed a law that allows a big leeway for the use of firearms for defence. People have concerns about this because people will use firearms not as a last resort but as an initial plan for self defense. Borden faces a life in prison if he is convicted for murder because it was unnesasary for him to shoot that many times. I believe that Borden should not be sent to a life in prison because when someone is being pursued and are in fear of their life they will do just about anything to save their own lives. It is natural human instinct. He might have been a little too trigger happy but can you blame him?



sillyfrog said...

This is a hard issue to discuss. On one hand you have the choice to be killed by someone else but on the other hand you have the choice to use self defence. Which one should you choice? I beleive that Borden should not not be punished for using a weapon to protect himself for danger.

Sleepy runner08 said...

(Ha Ha, I love ur name)
I agree, but I also feel that because this man had the option of using his gun, like you said, his first instinct was to defend himself to the death, but maybe to avoid a death or injury to the other person as rapidly and accurately as a gun does, I feel that the courts have a right to limit gun freedom. but i do feel that the freedom of guns are important because we have the right to defend ourselves, but it is up to us as a people to be able to see through our fear, and maybe run away, after shooting the first three times instead of nine times.

spfootball5 said...

I feel that the man jumped to actions WAY too fast. The jeep supposedly tried to run him over. First of all I think it is an enormous privilege and a lot of responsibility at hand when carrying a gun. To fire a gun 14 times out in public was way too dangerous an act. Many people could be killed. Although I don't think he should be put in prison for life, I feel that he took advantage of the "self defense" claim.

Desire Yams said...

hahaha I think that yes, Borden may have been a little "too trigger happy" haha. I also agree that it is human instinct to pull out a gun as a first act of defense, but I don't think that defending yourself requires you shooting THAT many times.

dj75 said...

I believe that you have the right to defend yourself in a situation when you are outnumbered by others trying to harm you. Although he may have overreacted a bit with the gun and killed them, he shouldn't be put in jail for life. He didn't provoke anything and this act of his was only self-defense. He should be given a lighter sentence than a lifetime in jail because all he did was try to protect himself.

Denakidd said...

The gun was too extreme in this case. Firing about 14 times at the jeep is unecessary! Yes, he has the right to defend himself, but the jeep did not physically harm the man so he did not have a plausible reason to shoot. He felt threatened and that's it. The men in the jeep could have been drunk.

lazboy323 said...

I think in any case when your life in in danger you should be able to defend yourself. But easily enough he could of just shot the tires out and they wouldn't be able to chase him.

chopstx said...

I feel that Borden had the right to shoot 14 times. It says a jeep tried to run him over. The article doesn't even question the fact that people were attempting to run him over. In order to protect himself it was necessary to shoot his gun, a right given by the law in Florida. Convicting him of murder would be violating his right to defend himself.