Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Teacher allegedly taped ex-student’s mouth shut

A school district agreed to pay $33,250 to settle a lawsuit by a former student who accused an elementary school teacher of wrapping tape around his head for talking too much. Adam Roser has his mouth taped for several minutes. Roser had attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and was being treated by a school psychologist. An outcome to the taping of this student's mouth lead to pain and suffering while being ridiculed at school.

I think this is violation of the students right to free speech. Although he was abused and mistreated, he couldn't talk against the teacher for fear of retaliation. Years later he has admitted to this abuse and has taken legal action. This should be an example to teachers to restrain themselves no matter what the circumstances are.


theyellingqueen said...

I agree, the student wasn't able to use freedom of speech. The bottom line is that the teacher went to far. He has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and the teacher knows this. Therefore, it isn't his fault for the way he is or the way he acts.

david wells said...

The student was denied his freedom of speech. The teacher made bad decisions and he should be punished. The child had a disabiltiy and the teacher should be punished.

soccerboy13 said...

The student has a disability and the teacher should be able to coup with that. I believe the teacher went to far on his actions and mistreated the young student.

dj75 said...

This student's right of free speech was not violated. If every student talks aloud and disrupts class and justifies their diturbance by saying that they have freedom of speech, then the teachers would not be doing their jobs of teaching. However it is clearly very wrong for a teacher to tape the student's mouth up for talking too much. When someone talks too much (and has a disability or not), then the teacher should never put tape around the student's mouth. There are other ways to deal with a student who talks too much such as sending him to the office or giving him detention, but the taping of the mouth is an act of unnecessary discipline and maybe abuse to the student.

sillyfrog said...

I would have to disagree with you because the student's rights were not violated in any way shape or form. The teacher had just wraped tape around the monthof the student. Don't get me wrong, it was not right for the teacher to have that kind of action against student. But it still shows that the little boy's rights were violated.

Desire Yams said...

I don't think that the student's freedom of speech was violated, but I do believe that the action of the teacher was unreasonable. You don't just go around taping people's mouths shut just because you want them to shut up. If people went around doing that, majority of the population would probably be wearing tape around their mouths as well haha.

Roni said...

This case is a truly sad one. The child abused wasn't normal but needed the special attention of teacher, which should have merited even more attention. The teacher not only did not meet the needs that the student required but further worsened the student's condition by taping the student and ridiculing him/her.

Sleepy runner08 said...

I agree that this action taken was a bit too liberally by the teacher in regards to violating the studen't rights. There is a point were the regulation of school rules is a violation, and this physical and maybe even phycological traima was too much.

chopstx said...

Its obvious that the teacher went to far in this particular case. However, like Mr. Austin said when students are at school, they have limited rights and the school is able to take action if needed to preserve order. Even if it went too far, it was not a violation of Adam's freedom of speech.