Thursday, July 5, 2007

Earth to Shoppers!

"The world uses a trillion plastic bags a year. Unfortunately most end up in the trash or in the ocean or in trees … and they take forever to disappear."-IKEA
This article is about how big grocery shopping places are having customers pay for their shopping bags instead of getting free plastic bags like before. People have stated that the plastic bags that we get are being littered and ending up in places like the ocean, trash, streets, trees, and they take more than a couple years to disintegrate. So it states in the article, "a state law that went into effec Sunday requires large grocery stores and pharmacies to recyle plastic bags returned by customers and to offer reusable bags for purchase." Stores like Trader Joe's sell bags made of canvas for $2.99, while IKEA sells oversized tote bags for 59 cents and lastly, the luxurious store Hermes sells theres for $960 for a shopping bag made of silk.

I really like this idea. It's saving money instead of speding money making billions of plastic bags that just end up no where. In addition to saving money, we're saving our enviroment and recycling. It's reasonable for cases such as IKEA and Trader Joe's, but in Hermes case, I think it's ridiculous. Paying $960 dollars is really expensive, but that might just be me. Also, I don't know what the store exactly sells, but wow, it's a really high price. I chose this topic because I think the enviroment is something that's really important to me and our society. Things like this help us be more aware of our enviroment.


Denakidd said...

I agree with the bill, it would enlighten many people to be more aware of how we use our products and our environment. In addition, it saves money, time, and effort. The bill should become a law!

akatsuki said...

After reading your article, I felt mixed feelings. I am really glad that people are taking the initiative and passed laws to help the environment. I also wondered why we there is a need to do this in the first place. How did all the plastic bags end up in ocean or trees? Is it the consumer's fault or the garbage companies fault? Either way, people should have been more careful about it.

soosie said...

I like the idea that the government is trying to do something about plastic bags. Trader Joes and IKEA bags are pretty neat but people don't bring these bags everytime they go to these stores. We should not ban plastic bags but maybe substitute it with something else. But then again, plastic bags are everywhere. Okay sorry i just went nowhere with this.

candiib0ob0o said...

I think instead, people should bring their own bags to shop. Even though shoplifting may become a problem, I'm sure there will a way to work around that. If not that idea, i think making people pay for their shopping bag is a good thought. Some might even reuse their bags and that teaches recycling.