Thursday, July 19, 2007

China picks bishop, tests Vatican tie

About three weeks after Pope Benedict XVI wrote a letter to Chinese Roman Catholics, Beijing has selected a small less known priest to become the next bishop. This will be a test of willingness as to whether or not the Vatican will intervene with the government in appointments. Father Joseph Li Shan was elected bishop Monday by a group of priests, nuns and lay members of the official Chinese church. If approved by the Bishops Conference of the Catholic Church of China, He will become the next bishop replacing Bishop Michael Fu Tieshan who passed away in April. Fu never had the respect of the Vatican however Li does so it will be interesting to see how everything plays out.

I think it's a bad idea for other countries to get involved with the appointments of other countries' officials. When they do this they are putting their point of views into choosing a leader for ANOTHER country and not letting that country choose their leader instead. It would be a bad idea for some place like the Vatican to choose our presidential candidates so I feel as though they have no right making appointments for the next Chinese bishop either.

Bishop Joseph Li Shan

1 comment:

flourpwr said...

I think this it is a bad idea to get involed with other countries officials. They put their point of view into choosing a leader for the country and not letting the country decide what is best for it.