Wednesday, July 18, 2007

So. Pasadena & the 710

On July 10, 2007 a meeting was help to discuss the 710 freeway proposal. The plan is to link the 10 and 210 freeways by building a link and completing the 710. The government wants to tunnel under South Pasadena and finish the dead end freeway. The meeting began at 6:30 and was open to the public. Sally Kilby, city clerk specified that the meeting would be beneficial for Mike Ten, South Pasadena’s new councilman. The cost of this proposal is estimated to be between $2.3 billion and $3.6 billion. Neighboring cities Alhambra and Monterey Park are in support for the proposal.

Being a resident of this town, I feel the 710 freeway should not be built through South Pasadena. Not only will it add more commotion and chaos, but the city itself is small and calm. To keep the historic and homey neighborhood a freeway should not be built. I can understand why Alhambra is in support because of the traffic congestion it causes at the dead end on Valley. However, spending billions of dollars while also disrupting a city for years is just not worth the completion of this freeway. It was also estimated that it could take up to 11 years. South Pasadena has for decades refused the 710 and for now will continue too.,1,2872155.story?ctrack=1&cset=true


Desire Yams said...

I agree. I don't think that building the 710 freeway would be a good addition to our small city. We already have enough commotion with the gold line running through the town. We don't need any additional chaos such as a freeway in the midst of the city, if it were to be built.

Brown Bear said...

Califronia is a earth quake state. It really is not smart to make a tonel that is just going to colape in the next earth queake (wich we are over do for)

theyellingqueen said...

I agree that we are a peaceful town and I will like to keep it that way. I mean we already have the gold line what else do they want? If they do build the tunnel what if it collapses and the city goes down with it. I guess the other cities don't really care as long as they have the precious tunnel or if they can't have a tunnel they divid the city and build it on the surface. d

soosie said...

Although this may benefit the surrounding cities, personally I like our city small and tight, and peaceful. We accepted the proposal of the metro station, isn't that enough?

lazboy323 said...

The 710 freeway not only brings air and sound pollution with it. We will have to build sound barriers so the residents will not be affected. I used to live next to the trains and they were loud enough, a freeway would be worse.

chopstx said...

I don't think anybody who lives in South Pasadena would want the 710 freeway. Its such a nice calm city and the creation of the 710 would disrupt everything.

DrPepper6pk said...

Things are already loud and hectic as it is; bringing another highway here will make it worse. Lets keep it small, dont want huge buildings start to pop up and pollution start pouring in

Unknown said...

The 710 would most deffinatly benift everyone who takes the freeway BUT the people who's homes would be destroyed. In addition, people would be all sad and depressed. Families could corrupt and be chaotic. Plus, if a freeway is set into South Pasadena, this little city would loose it's little quiet cute aura.