Monday, July 16, 2007

Republican John McCain’s Campaign Troubles

Presidential candidate John McCain’s campaign is going through a rough time in his bid for his Republican Party’s nomination for the White House. First, two of his key strategists, Ed Failor Jr. and Karen Slifka, are both leaving his campaign team because they feel that McCain’s bid for the White House is not what they were expecting. Due to a drop in national polls behind Rudolph Guiliani and Mitt Romney, and support for his campaign dwindling, these two top aides have decided to resign as a result. Second, McCain has revealed that he has only about $2 million to spend on his candidacy and that he is in the red for $1 million. A reporter asked him if he would drop out of the race for the presidency and he responded by saying, “Only if I come down with a catastrophic disease.”
I guess McCain is in this race for the long haul, and there’s no stopping him now. You would think that if you were behind and in 3rd or 4th place for the Republican Party’s presidential candidate, you would step down and give your support to the frontrunner, but McCain has different reasons for staying in this race. Perhaps it’s more than money but instead pride in something that you believe in so much that just keeps you going and that you can make a difference in this world and nation by what you can do for it as president.


Brown Bear said...

I am not an exspert on campagin funding, but 1 million does not sound like enough money for a week of campagining money. But good luck to him.

Anonymous said...

The money that he has now seems a lot like there's not enough at all compared to the others, but I really feel like he has the strength and passion for the job.
I love it how he responded with, "Only if I come down with a catastrophic disease." Perfect answer!

I totally agree with you, the pride that he has keeps him going. Candidates need a lot of money to campaign, but he has the devotion and heart of a republican. I can feeeel it!

theyellingqueen said...

I happy that McCain is driven to campaign still even though he lost two major people and might not have that much money. Maybe he might become the 1st or 2nd of the Republican Party because they acknowledge his devotion.

DrPepper6pk said...

a couple million isnt NEARLY enough compared to the +20 million dollars other candidates spend. He probably wont get far, but who knows? Maybe people like to root for the underdog