Wednesday, July 18, 2007

An appeal to the majority: Richardson rolls out his agenda for women

Bill Richardson, the govenor of New Mexico and a candidate for the Democratic presidential election. He promised to support women and take more steps than any other contender to assist them. Many issues that he thought was important for women was improving access to health care and education and ending the war in Iraq. In his campaign, he plans to improve the lives of women and their families. Also, "protect access to abortion and passing an equal rihts amendment." Broadening access to day care, creating Social Security credits and enforce better pay equity are other things he plans.
I think this is great, especially for women. It is great that a politican is acknowledging women and the needs that they need. Many of these things might help single mothers.


Desire Yams said...

I agree! I think this is a good thing as well! It is pretty rare nowadays to see a politician thinking about issues that are important to women and how women can benefit from new laws if they are passed. It definitely sets him aside from other politicians!

CapitalG said...

It's nice that the politcian is contributing to women's right and benefits. But, since elections are coming soon... i think that he is contributing now only, with media around, to maybe run for a presidential election or some sort.

KKiri said...

I think it's great to hear a politician talk sticking up for women's rights. It's true than many for women are participating in the voting process nowadays, though it is still male dominated. It's iffy with media influence to say if he means what he says, but it's nice to hear anyway.

Brown Bear said...

Ok, it's good that he intends to better the lives of women thoughout the united states, but I find it hard to belief that women will sopport him more than a women running for president. A women president would be a much bigger acomplishment for women than what this canidate can or will do. On top of that Clinton is has worked hard for womens right her intire life, I think she wins this one.

DrPepper6pk said...

Im gonna agree with brown bear. Who would accomplish more for womens rights? A person you've never heard of running for president or a woman herself to be president?