Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Bush the albatross

That would be President Bush, whose approval rating scraped new lows last week. Bush won't be on the ballot in 2008, of course, but throughout American history, outgoing presidents have cast a long shadow over the campaign to succeed them. And when a departing president has been as unpopular as Bush is now, his party has usually lost the White House in the next election.
It's true that Republicans in 2008 should perform slightly better among voters who disapprove of the president than George H.W. Bush and Gore did, because their nominee, unlike those men, won't be the retiring president's vice president. But another pattern underscores how hard the challenge will remain: On average, 80% of voters who disapproved of a president's performance have voted against his party's candidates even in House races since 1986, according to the respected University of Michigan post-election polls. When a president takes on water, in other words, everyone in his party flounders.
One senior GOP strategist says Bush could most help the party by redirecting the American mission in Iraq away from front-line combat operations toward training and counter-terrorism. But even if Bush dropped his opposition to that idea, such a change might be too little, too late to rebuild his public standing. Whatever Bush does in Iraq, Republicans next year will probably need to paddle away from him much more energetically than they have so far. It also means that no matter how hard they swim, they could still be swamped if Bush can't stabilize his sinking ship.
Bush dug a deep hole for the Republicans, and to not hurt his party's chances during the campaign he would need to stop digging. Hence, he would need to play it smart with the situation in Iraq. If he fails so does his party.


flourpwr said...

I think that Bush just needs to get it together in general. He needs to handle the situation in Iraq and if he fails so does his party and alot of other people in the world.

Brown Bear said...

I honestly don't want to Bush to try to fix his problem. He needs to just ride his presidancy out. I know that means leaving the mess to the next guy (or girl)but he has done enough, and should stop before he goes further over the edge.

theyellingqueen said...

I think he did dig a big fat hole for the Republicans. I think the Republicans will lose only because people want a change. But i also agree with brown bear, bush should clean up his mess before he leaves so then the next president doesn't have to do it.