Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Senator Rodney Tom Enters Congressional Race

During the campaign kick off, held on Tuesday, July 17, 2007, Democratic State Senator Rodney Tom has become the 8th District's next congressman to enter the Congressional race. Tom, a former Republican from Bellevue who switched parties in 2006, tried to make clear contrasts between himself and Democrat Darcy Burner, who declared her candidacy in March. Tom states that the difference between himself and Burner is that he "forces Representatives to run on issues." Tom also states that he "takes experience off the table, has local roots, unlike Burner who grew up in Nebraska and moved to the district a few years ago." But the most important difference between the two, that Tom makes clear of, is that "Burner has lack of experience."

From this article, it just sounds to me that Tom is just bashing out Burner, which doesn't seem highly professional or sound like someone I would trust to elect during the Congressional Race. Another source also states, at the end of the article that "Tom is not a guy who's that serious. He has not had major accomplishments." If this is true, then I don't know why Tom is focusing on making Burner look bad, when he hasn't really accomplished anything either.


Brown Bear said...

Tom really is bashing burner, but i understand. This guy joins as the 8th canidate, in a race that he really has no chance of winning. All he is doing is stealing votes from the other canidates. I understand Tom's anger.

theyellingqueen said...

I agree that he doesn't sound trustworthy. I think he also wants to set himself as different than burner.