Wednesday, July 18, 2007

2 Schools Forced to Share Campus

Nia Charter School and Rhythms of of the Village charter school are going to be sharing the campus of Edison Elementary School. Both schools opposed the proposition but the Pasadena Unified School District has decided against them. The plan is controversial because they are combining a Pasadena school and an Altadena School on a single campus. Rhythms officials requested space at Linda Vista Elementary School but the neighborhood refused do to problems with the structures as well as Blair where the Blair community also protested.

I think that the school district's decision is a bad one because both Altadena and Pasadena have their own gangs and that means that there is likely to be violence between the two. The students are also likely to be unhappy with moving to a new campus after all of this and share it with another school.


Brown Bear said...

My mother works for the L.A. district. This is a horrible idea. schools are croweded enough as it is there are hundrends of new problems that this merger will create.

soosie said...

This decision will only create conflicts. I don't understand why the Pasadena Unified School District is pro for this plan. I just don't see the benefits of this.

theyellingqueen said...

I agree overcrowded schools only creates more problems. Then it will only become one huge issue for the Pasadena Unified School District.

lazboy323 said...

I don't how see this benefits the community except for the fact that the school district will save money. But it comes at the cost of bigger classrooms and more crowded environment. Seems the parents didn't even have a say in the issue.

Anonymous said...

Okay, this is ridiculous. The school will be CROWDED and how about lunch time? Even at South Pasadena, if you don't get in line ASAP you don't get the food that you want. Now having two schools, they'll need to get MORE food and make lunch hours LONGER.