Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Bush- voted as one of the unpopular presidents

In a remarkable historical coincidence, those same two records that were under assault in 1974 are on the ropes again in 2007. The sports world is already dreading the day Barry Bonds will pass Aaron. But the political world has scarcely noticed another milestone in the making: With 66% disapproval in this week's Gallup Poll, George W. Bush just tied Richard Nixon as the second-most unpopular president ever.

For most of this year, Bush has been mired in the low 60s, unable to sustain any negative momentum. His team tried everything – mounting a hopeless surge in Iraq, botching the immigration bill, standing behind an Attorney General any other administration would have left for dead. So much for the electoral college's sane judgment on Bush. Popular vote shoudl directly vote for the president and not allow electoral colleges to choose OUR president.


Brown Bear said...

Yea, for some reason i am not surprised at how unpopluar he is. He has made one bad decision after another. He should acept he failed and get out of the white house.

Sleepy runner08 said...

It is definetly no suprise to me that Bush is as unpopular as he is. He gained criticizers when he won the 2000 elections, and though he won the next election by a landslide, but he lost popularity rapidly after he continued with this unecessary war (the understatement of the past four years I think).
Media from people in the sports world and other places might be slow to dismember him on the screens of our televisions due to the fact that their votes were wrong and they cannot face up to this immense fact.

Anonymous said...

It's really sad how everyone's bashing on him, but it's so true. Last week, on CNN I saw a poll on world's dangerous leaders. First was Osama, second was Bush and third was the North Korean dictator.