Wednesday, July 18, 2007

F.Y.I. — Harry Reid’s Vote

Summary- Many people are wondering why the senate majority leader Harry Reid cast his vote over the withdrawal of troops from Iraq with the minority Republicans. under the Senate Rules though it is sad that he had to vote this way in order to debate the topic at another time. Reid voted with the demarcates but then later decided switch his vote at the end

Opinion-I believe that this is crap. there should be no rule that makes a member of the senate vote a certain way it is just bogus to me.


Brown Bear said...

I agree. Though cenitor should consider party loyaltiy when they vote their should be nothing in place to force a senator to vote a certain way.

theyellingqueen said...

It's the senator's opinion you can't just force him to vote one way.

candiib0ob0o said...

He has the right to vote however he wants.