Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Hardball campaign ad challenge

Between JibJab, girls gone political , and even the candidates themselves, the Internet is buzzing with Decision 2008 viral video.
If you've got an idea for the next great viral video ad, pick up your camera! Hardball's campaign ad challenge is looking the most creative entries about your favorite presidential candidate or the candidate you like the least.
Our panel of all-stars will name the winner in August.
Campaiging has gone viral! Running for a political position has never been so "hip." Campaigns have reached new platform via internet directly targeting the younger generation for their votes. With social networking websites such as myspace, friendster and youtube, something posted via internet at dawn can phenomenally receive thousands to even millions of hits by dusk. What an inexpensive, cost-effective way to campaign! The idea is brilliant in theory and mind-blowing in practice.


flourpwr said...

I think that campaigning online is a good thing. some of the things that you see are very funny, but at the same time some things that are said could also be very bad for the person running.

KKiri said...

Honestly, it was only a matter of time before campaigning took over the interent too. It's the trend, after all. The same things happened with television. But the media is the best way to reach he public, so this craze was going to happen eventually.

Desire Yams said...

yeah i agree. media and technology has advanced so much. It's a part of everyday life, and especially with things such as campaigning, it's a way to let people know about something by catching their attention with images and such. so yeah, i agree that the craze was going to happen eventually as well.

soosie said...

i think one day we're going to be able to vote online.