Thursday, July 19, 2007

How to Go After Hillary

July 16, 2007 - Some politicians are inadvertently generous to their opposition, graciously sinking themselves so others don’t have to. John Kerry donned spandex waterwear and kiteboarded. Dan Quayle misspelled “potato.” Howard Dean emitted what may have been a roar. But Democratic presidential front runner Hillary Clinton is not that kind of candidate. There’s a reason she hasn’t lost an election since she ran for president of the student council in high school. She does her homework; she doesn’t do gaffes. Anyone running against her would be wise not to count on an implosion. So if she won’t do herself in, how can she be beaten? We asked those who’ve run against her for lessons they learned trying to compete against such a formidable and careful candidate.

Image is everything. Hillary Clinton clearly understands this maxim as she is always cautious to avoid political blunders whether as miniscule as Dan Quayle spelling "potato" incorrectly or as paramount as John McCain openly supporting President Bush's surge strategy when more than 60% of the nation is no longer in favor of war in Iraq, nor the President.

Hillary Clinton, a professional political chameleon, has changed her image countless times to fit profiles according to when it is suitable and advantageous to win votes. She voted in favor of the war and in favor of the now infamous President Bush when the majority of Americans were as well. Now she is against President Bush and againt the war? No problem! With a figure as famous and favorable as her husband, former President Bill Clinton, firmly by her side, who is to call her out on her on her unreliable, wishy-washy political stands?

The public needs to be enlightened of the agenda of Senator Hillary Clinton as well as her opponents. Only then will we be able to make informed decisions for the most suitable and most qualified candidate to run our country as President.


KKiri said...

Well, what this article says is true. Hilary has shown extreme finess in all of her presentations, and her public person is practially flawless. If you notice, any internet slander of her, really as nothing to do with her actions. (It's not like all the youtube vids mocking Bush's lack of speaking skills.) I think Hilary's a pretty indimidating lady, and she's even better at it because she never seems to lose or falter.

spfootball5 said...

Although Hillary Clinton may have changed sides and her views about the war in Iraq she has every right to do so. A majority of the nation originally agreed with starting the war and she probably did too. Her change in views is no different then that of the public which originally agreed with the war and now oppose it. I feel as if Hillary as well as other politicians change their mind all the time to appeal to every audience that they speak to because that's how they win votes. Do I feel like they should lie and side with whoever they are talking to at the time? No, but I guarantee you that it won't change anytime soon.