Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Iraq Divisions Extended to 2008 Race

During a debate between the Senate and Republican John McCain, it was stated that the divisions over Iraq were to be extended to the 2008 presidential campaign. While the Democrats are demanding troop withdrawals from the war, McCain is steadfastly backing President Bush's war strategy. McCain states, "Defeat there would be catastrophic ... as long as we have a chance to succeed we must try to succeed."

I disagree with what McCain stated. We've been in the war long enough, and it hasn't even done us any good. Why stay there longer when nothing good comes out of it and nothing benefits the U.S from it? I don't think we should stay in war. I'm not saying i'm siding with the Democrats, but I do believe that staying and fighting in the war isn't necessary.


Denakidd said...

The whole idea of war is bad, troops die and the government takes our money. The results are devastating either way whether we win or lose. We should not extend affairs in Iraq when nothing is benefiting our nation.

Brown Bear said...

John McCain is an idot. The war is very unpopular. It was a bad move to support it, and he is most likely going to lose as a result of supporting such a thing.

theyellingqueen said...

I don't know, what he said was stupid and hurt his popularity vote. People are just tired of hearing Iraq, bombing, war, war, war, war, etc.

DrPepper6pk said...

Um wasnt one of the reasons people dislike bush was BECAUSE of troops in Iraq? Yea this guys popularity count is gonna go down soon....

Anonymous said...

This is exactly why I'm saying we need a new face. If we get someone who's similar to other presidents, all we're doing is the same things over and over.