Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Pasadena asks: Is Racial Profiling Fair?

Racial Profiling is the inclusion of racial or ethnic characteristics in determining whether a person is considered likely to commit a particular type of crime. In Pasadena racial profiling was the topic at debate Tuesday night at the community forum. Police feel that racial profiling is appropriate to prevent gang crimes. However, memebers of the community testify about instances where they have been stopped even though they don’t belong to a gang. This is because of the way they appear. Polce and officals made it clear that the color of clothing one wears is a flash point in street gang life. Red represents the bloods and blue crips.

I feel horrible for the man who has been stopped by the police more than 30 times because he is African American and wears a birght red t shirt. In Pasaden, police have the right to racial profile to protect the community, but only under any suspicion. A person should not be stopped on the street for wearing a red t shirt unless they commit a crime. I understand that the police want to prevent crimes ahead of time, but this is unfair to many individuals. The discussion of racial profiling is very controversial and goes even bigger than Pasadena. Poloce should learn alternative ways to spot gang individuals; like recognizing specific tattoos.


flourpwr said...

I think that racial profiling is wrong. A person should not get arrested just because of his/ or her race or the way they look. Instead they should get arrested for something that they actually did.

Desire Yams said...

I think racial profiling and racism and discrimination etc. is the most ridiculous type of judgment. It's stereotypical and it's not fair. Being based on skin color, what someone looks like, or what they believe in is really ridiculous, and for the police to arrest a guy just because he's African American and THEN stating that they have the right to racially profile to protect the community just sounds like a load of BS to me.

Brown Bear said...

I agree it is horrible. It is really morally wrong for a person to be stopped based on the color of his skin, but i can understand the cops position. that is asumeing that the cop really does care and is not just racist.

soosie said...

I agree that this is unfair that polices feel that racial profiling is appropriate to prevent gang crime. But when I think about it, the cops are just trying to protect the community. We need to stop gang violence and if this is the way to control it, I would have to agree with the police.

theyellingqueen said...

I think this is crazy they shouldn't be doing this. Just because they wear a certain type of clothing or act a certain way or race doesn't mean he/she did anything wrong.

Anonymous said...

DISCRIMINATION! It all begins with appearance, doesn't it? That's just seriously terrible to stop a guy THIRTY times. It's ridiculous. What's wrong with these police men! Gosh, I'm getting so emotional!