Wednesday, July 18, 2007

McCain Criticizes Romney's Abortion Record

John McCain criticizes rival Romney's Abortion Record by releasing a video of Romney as a defendant of abortion-right laws. Now, the video shows that Romney flip-flops and not only emphasizes his personal opposition to abortion rights, but he also calls for the repeal of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion nationally. This causes trouble for Romney because he is now seen as a flip-flopper and will have to re-establish himself on a definite side before he does anything else.

This shows how media can affect a publics opinion quite drastically. After McCain released the video, millions of people viewed it and probably have a worse view of Romney than before. McCain used the media as a weapon to bash his opponent to gain the upper hand. This isn't a race about who is the better candidate, but rather picking the lesser evil.


theyellingqueen said...

That's horrible, but i guess that's what they have to do to appeal to the public. It gives a clear example on how media today can influence and affect us.

Brown Bear said...

Well, first off McCain is not going to win, so going off and bashing an oppent is really just a jurk thing to do. I do understand that it's part of the game, and thats how the world works. So Romney is seen as flip-floper and we now know McCain likes to play dirty.