Monday, July 16, 2007

Popular Vote? Not Yet.

Through out our history there has been a lot of debate over the electoral college. One of the main "problems" is the fact that the college members are not bound by any means to vote for the popular vote winner of their state. This means that the college member is not legally bound to vote one way or another.
This past spring Maryland become the first state to attempt to solve this problem. Maryland has adopted a interstate compact committing participating states to cast their electoral votes for the popular-vote winner. Though the idea of replacing the electoral college with a national popular vote may be a good idea, the compact Maryland adopted has some critical flaws.

I think it is a good idea to have the college members legally bound, in order to insure they vote the way the state would want. With the current system there is nothing stoping a college member from simply voting completely against the popular vote of his state.


kty_roche said...

This is ture and is a good idea but it also isn't totally necesarry due to the fact that it usually isn't a problem.

Anonymous said...

I so love it, seriously. Just for a "just in case" situation, I think it could enforce what the majority vote at each state. It also keeps the whole idea of small states having a larger voice at the same time! <3

theyellingqueen said...

I mean it's a great new system, but the electoral college system has been working for years.

DrPepper6pk said...

seems iffy and sketchy at best, might need a few kinks ironed out, but it might work, although IMO the electoral college is fine, Dont fix what isnt broken

dj75 said...

I think that it's an okay idea, but the way the system works now is fine. Why should we get rid of the electoral college now when it has worked in the past. It has a few flaws but all other systems would have flaws too.