Monday, July 16, 2007

The Youtube Campaign

Media has taken over the 2008 campaign elections, but more specifically Youtube. Media is expanding its influence over voting individuals through the internet. Amber Lee Ettinger, also known as the Obama Girl has created a provocative youtube music video campaigning for Barack Obama. The video "I Got a Crush on Obama" has caused a lot of controversy. Many are speaking out about the video and the way it promotes Obama. Others don't mind at all and feel this video opened their eyes to the election. The video was later traced back to someone in Obama's council.
In my opinion I feel that the video really isn't harmful. It's an interesting way to campaign for presidency. However, I can see how the media distorts what is true in society just to gain political ground. Recently, Hilary Clinton has a video similar to this one promoting herself. The question I ask is if this election which is a year away is going to continue to be battled out through the Internet. Are these individuals people who really have the knowledge to vote? Just because the Obama Girl says to vote for him, this is not a valid reason to do so. Voters need to really believe in the individual they are voting for and not use Internet campaigning as evidence for their decision. I chose this article because I watch videos on youtube and I came across the Obama Girl. There were over 2 million views on the video. I found this both interesting and puzzling. What's your opinion?,1,3554147.story?ctrack=1&cset=true


kty_roche said...

I think this will most likly influence the younger vote rather than the older people.

Ryan250x said...

This shouldn't have any negative effects on anyone. It is also a clever way to get a lot of free campaign advertising because of the popularity of youtube.

soosie said...

This is really smart. Youtube is extremely popular nationwide and campaigning and promoting oneself on the internet will get oneself known. However, since Youtube is a free access internet website, there may be huge conflicts online, especially in the comment box and etc. I guess this is good and bad, but it's funny how politicians are manipulating the media through Youtube.

candiib0ob0o said...

Campaigning on youtbe is extremely smart. I can't wait to see the other ways the candidates campaign.

Anonymous said...

Yes! She has a myspace too! Well, I think that it attracts a lot of young people but like I believe people are smart enough to not vote because of that girl. It's disgustingg.

Brown Bear said...

I have to agree with the rest of you, it is a very good idea. Though i don't think it is a good use of canidates time because most people on youtube are not old enough to vote. Though, i am interstead how internet campaigning will turn out.

theyellingqueen said...

I agree with southpasbrunette that it will influence younger voters more than older people and that its a great way to campaign. I mean many people will see it and be talking about it. The news started talking about that youtube movie already.

DrPepper6pk said...

certainly an interesting and clever way to advertise the campaign. As long as it doesnt cause harm or illegally alter the vote, it should be fine, though i wonder if she was paid to make the video....